How the cerebellum computes information and how it interacts with other brain areas. From synaptic properties to behavior.
Editor Guy Bouvier
A cortico-cerebellar loop for motor planning (2018)
Zhenyu Gao, Courtney Davis, Alyse M. Thomas, Michael N. Economo, Amada M. Abrego, Karel Svoboda, Chris I. De Zeeuw, Nuo Li
PubMed: 30333626 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-018-0633-x
Persistent activity in the frontal cortex has been shown to anticipate specific movements. This type of ramping/persistent activity has been very well characterized in mice anterior motor cortex (ALM) by Svoboda's group. However, this kind of preparatory activity has been reported in multiple areas in the brains and the relation between these different areas is unclear. Here they proposed that the cerebellum plays a role in this phenomenon.