Editor Dylan Mordaunt
Implementation of a pre-dialysis clinical pathway for patients with chronic kidney disease (2006)
Julie E. Owen, Rowan J. Walker, Laney Edgell, Jocelyn Collie, Lee Douglas, Tim D. Hewitson, Gavin J. Becker
Apr 20, 2020
Ellen J Van Vliet, Eelco Bredenhoff, Walter Sermeus, Lucas M Kop, Johannes C A Sol, W. H. Van Harten
Apr 20, 2020
Systematic review of diagnostic pathways for patients presenting with acute abdominal pain (2018)
Kirsten J de Burlet, Andrew J Ing, Peter D Larsen, Elizabeth R Dennett
Apr 20, 2020
Reducing clinical variations with clinical pathways: do pathways work? (2003)
M Panella, S Marchisio, F Di Stanislao
Apr 20, 2020
The Care Pathway Concept: concepts and theories: an introduction (2012)
Guus Schrijvers, Arjan van Hoorn, Nicolette Huiskes
Apr 20, 2020